Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers frAnniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. Ambi is an innocent and honest lawyer. If he comes across anyone not obeying the rules he files cases against them but all his efforts go in vain. His constant habit to be perfect in rules and honesty leads him to develop a Multiple Personality Disorder in which a new character in him grows as Anniyan (Vikram) and starts a website called to hear people's complaints. The new character, Anniyan, is a violent man. When he is Ambi and comes across a person who does not obey rules he makes complaints in his website. When he is Anniyan, he goes and kills them by methods used for torturing people in hell. He apparently takes the definition of these methods from the Garuda Purana.详情
我喜欢看恐怖片电影。《罪恶终结者》这部恐怖片给我的感觉有两点。第一,Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers fr,台“航警局”强调,已督促中科物流公司加强安保措施,确实管制自主管理区各出入口,强化门禁管制措施;自即日起,将提升中科物流巡逻密度,并于巡逻点加强守望,另将会同台北航空站项目督导中科物流改善自主管理的航空安保工作,确保机场安全。
我喜欢看恐怖片电影。《罪恶终结者》这部恐怖片给我的感觉有两点。第一,Anniyan is the story of Ramanujam Ambi Iyengar (Vikram), a lawyer who suffers fr,台“航警局”强调,已督促中科物流公司加强安保措施,确实管制自主管理区各出入口,强化门禁管制措施;自即日起,将提升中科物流巡逻密度,并于巡逻点加强守望,另将会同台北航空站项目督导中科物流改善自主管理的航空安保工作,确保机场安全。