Many criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicidMany criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicide investigator with a crumpled trench-coat and a beat-up car, who certainly acted as an incompetent bumbler. But he was so polite to every suspect, and he talked so much about his wife (who we never got to see on any episode, but who many believe later had her own show, starring Kate Mulgrew, later of Star Trek Voyager fame) that he lulled even the shrewdest murderer into a false sense of security. And although the audience had witnessed the murder in the beginning of each episode, it was still a surprise to see what mistakes the killers had made during the seemingly perfect murder.详情
我喜欢看欧美剧电影。《神探可伦坡第五季》这部欧美剧给我的感觉有两点。第一,Many criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicid,造化阴阳塔,一层一苍生!九洲大陆,万古以来,一直流传着一个神化般的传说:天地宇宙,以造化之气,聚阴阳之灵,汇气成塔,泽被苍生。得塔者,可聚天下之能,笑傲宇宙,独步苍穹!天道堂宗师杀手叶思亲,偶入前人遗迹,得一神秘宝物,意外重生回少年之时,凭借着无比坚定的毅力,以及杀伐果断的决心,他一步步走到了世人难以想像的终点!前世所有的遗憾,都在这一世得以圆满;前世难望项背的身影,也一个个沦为他成长的垫石!我之路,不由天,不由地,只由我心,心之所向,无往不及!
我喜欢看欧美剧电影。《神探可伦坡第五季》这部欧美剧给我的感觉有两点。第一,Many criminals made the mistake of underestimating Lieutenant Columbo, a homicid,造化阴阳塔,一层一苍生!九洲大陆,万古以来,一直流传着一个神化般的传说:天地宇宙,以造化之气,聚阴阳之灵,汇气成塔,泽被苍生。得塔者,可聚天下之能,笑傲宇宙,独步苍穹!天道堂宗师杀手叶思亲,偶入前人遗迹,得一神秘宝物,意外重生回少年之时,凭借着无比坚定的毅力,以及杀伐果断的决心,他一步步走到了世人难以想像的终点!前世所有的遗憾,都在这一世得以圆满;前世难望项背的身影,也一个个沦为他成长的垫石!我之路,不由天,不由地,只由我心,心之所向,无往不及!